Hey Coach, how’s business? BUSY, much?! Building takes WORK. Creating a program that clients will love is a full time job, but so is marketing, networking, and growing your brand! Imagine a program that is…
I’ve got your back. WIth my Done-For-You programs, you have everything you need to sell an incredible program that WORKS. From #GrainFreeDetoxing and #CleanEating recipes and shopping guides to marketing tools, sales pages, and social media posts, these programs have EVERYTHING needed to launch a program and build a kickass coaching biz!
I’m super stoked to debut some new programs for summer, including:
✅Ketogenic program
✅Thyroid Program
✅Probiotic Challenge Opt in Freebie
✅Anti-Aging Opt in Freebie
✅ Seasonal Grain Free Detox
✅ Adrenal Program
✅ Mindset Program
✅ Hormone, Gut or Sugar Workshop
✅ Emotional Eating Program
✅ Paleo 5 Day Slim Down and Eat for Energy
✅ Sugar Freebies, Gateway or Signature Programs
And we have ???? Vegetarian, ???? Vegan and ???? Omnivore Options
Plus, I’m offering a NEW Meal Planning Members Club! This #RecipeMembership is a great tool to offer new recipes to email subscribers, collect into a cookbook, or build blog posts and newsletters around them.
Here’s the thing, EVERYTHING about the programs is copyright free! Customize them, brand them, use them – Once you buy a program, it’s 100% yours to use!
Buy it. Brand it. Launch it.
Use this 15% coupon code: doingit15
???? www.yourhealthcoachbiz
Get these sweet bonuses when you are the first 250.
Smoothie Bowl Mayhem
Natural Skin Care 101
See you in our private forum.
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