I’m Rachel Feldman
I help my clients succeed by overcoming digestive issues, realizing weight loss, and overcoming chronic health issues that are negatively affecting their lives. I can help you to lose the inflammation that is causing unwanted weight to hang on to your body. I can create a program specifically for your unique body to properly detox the foods that may be wreaking havoc on your system.
Our goal together is to have you feeling more alive and more passionate about your life. Once you are properly digesting and absorbing all of your nutrients you will be amazed at the transformation. When the body detoxes and gets rid of inflammation, chronic health issues will lessen and often disappear. You will look and feel great.
I get it. I once struggled too. But I don’t any more!
Here is my story.
I have always had an interest in health and wellness. As a child and teenager I was very active, even swimming competitively. I felt that I was taking good care of myself. However, as a typical young woman I was always focused on “dieting” as opposed to appreciating food as way of nourishing myself.
I often had digestive issues. As a result, I suffered at different points in my life with an ulcer, asthma, immune issues, anxiety, adrenal problems and food allergies. I was so tired, literally and figuratively, of these health issues causing such havoc in my life. I was so tired of not feeling as good as I thought I should. Of course, to the outside world I appeared healthy. But I knew that my digestive system was completely out of balance.
Finally came my turning point…
In my late twenties my full life was moving at full speed. I was a successful businesswoman in Philadelphia, working with the power players in the commercial real estate market. Growing up a child of the city, with a deep appreciation for all that city life has to offer, I felt I was where I belonged. I loved my faced paced world and was managing my blackberry addiction and the non-stop stress of buying and selling real estate. But, I was becoming more and more frustrated that I could not enjoy my life to the fullest because my digestive issues were leaving me out of balance. Slowly, and unknowingly, I was becoming more toxic, allergic and tired. At the age of 28 I discovered that I had mercury poisoning. At this point I was realizing that most of the doctors I visited were not able to help me and I was becoming more and more aggravated that no one seemed able to give me real, long term answers to the questions about my stressed health. I was not sure what to do next.
I had already spent so much time and money on tests, specialists and then more tests when all the while my personal health issues were growing increasingly worse. I was getting sicker. I came to discover in addition to the mercury poisoning, I was also suffering from candida, bacteria, h pylori, and parasites to name a few. This was the time that my ever positive attitude channeled into self -preservation mode. I was determined to take control of my own health. This is where my journey truly began.
I earnestly started reading, researching, and better understanding the many layers of nutrition and how to heal my body from the inside out. I came to realize my gut was out of balance. I knew I needed to heal my digestive system so that I could feel really good again. First I gained an appreciation for the fact that everyone has their own unique digestive systems. I started the process of healing my gut by discovering what foods were right for my body and what foods were causing me inflammation. I removed foods such as wheat, gluten and others. The results were dramatic. I worked toward finding a balance in my life.
I realized that so many of my health issues were from this lack of balance. I am a fast paced kind of person by nature. As I said, I enjoy tall buildings, loud street noises, and the hustle and bustle of city life. I had a tough time just being in the moment. To learn how to instill more balance, I took on the challenge of studying Reiki energy healing and become certified as a Reiki Energy Healer. This turning point in my life finally lead me to begin my education at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition where I became a certified Health Coach.
The journey to wellness is not just about the food on your plate but also discovering what nourishes you in all areas of your life.
My family is my inspiration. I am the proud mother of two little miracles who are my passion. They inspire me to make this world a better place.
I know what it takes to get healthy and achieve endless energy. I am going to teach you my tools for success. Diets do not get you the results you really need or want. Discovering and understanding what foods work for your “unique” body is the true key to your healthy life.
The food on your plate is a reflection of your life. So, what do you want on your plate?
To find out more about my coaching, please watch this amazing interview here at yourgreatlifetv.com