Best Soup for Spring Cleansing – Great For Flushing out the Junk!

vegan spinach soup

Simple Cream of Spinach Soup

2 cups spinach
½ avocado
½ medium onion, chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
juice of 1 lime
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon coriander
1 small clove garlic
¾ teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon miso (optional)
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast (optional)

Blend all ingredients together in a blender (I love using a Vitamix) until smooth and warm (about 3 minutes), and then serve.

If you do not have a Vitamix, simply belnd all the ingredients in a blender, then add to a pot and warm for about 3 minutes.

This recipe serves 2.

I am always looking for simple ways to hydrate, detox and cleanse my body and this soups is a home run. Feel free to add a little extra animal or non animal protein for a boost of energy. This soup is loaded with natural sources of iron, great for rebuilding and rejuvenating the cells plus hydrates your body on an intracellular level.

This is the perfect soup for anyone with hampered digestion or feeling a lack of energy this Spring Season.



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