Be honest with me babe….. do you feel comfy shooting videos?
If you do not, then you gotta check out this challenge.
I started my business knowing nothing – nada – zip, even though I built a 6 figure commercial real estate business but I did not need to shoot videos or market in a way we have to now, right?
I an not a B.S. kind of girl.
I wish I cold tell you marketing was easy as 1-2-3.
But, it is not….however, you can make it easy when you know what to do.
This is why I am hosting the first ever 5 Day Video Marketing Challenge.
I want you to get comfy with videos so your business can grow.
I was scared to shoot videos.
I was scared to speak in public and now, I can speak in front of 500 people.
WHY and HOW?
I started small.
I started shooting videos on YouTube.
Let me teach you and let’s skyrocket your business together.