I wanted to talk about mindset. I am going to talk about two different subjects today. One is the mindset of what it takes to coach and also the mindset of our clients. I have been talking with many coaches and they are struggling with what to talk about and also struggling to be okay to show up even in times where they feel speechless.
I was inspired to share this because I was just talking to a coach and she was sharing many of the things that I felt when I built this business ten years ago. I left a multiple six-figure job and I truly believed that I would go into coaching and everyone would hire me. When I look back on creating Rachel’s Wellness during the first few years of struggle, I think back to what I always had to do. I have felt scared, lost, and every different emotion. What you believe will happen. That is the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction only works when we show up and do the tangible.
Enjoy the show!
In Today’s Episode:
[01:15] When I look back on creating Rachel’s Wellness in the first few years of struggle, I think back to what did I always have to do. [04:10] Many of us became a coach because we thought the information that we found and worked for us should be readily available to others. [05:55] When you are struggling, you have to tap into your why. Why did you want to get into wellness coaching? [06:20] You have to start by believing in yourself and creating a vision board. [06:57] Each one of us has a choice. It is how we frame our thoughts. [09:45] We decide to make a choice. We make a choice to pay it forward to our neighbor or to be of service. [10:24] Reach out to the people who you know are in similar situations. They are looking for support too. [12:07] Your why should make you cry. [13:52] All of the things I researched, I knew that people deserved that education. With education comes power and with power comes choice. [16:48] Rachel wanted to offer opportunities for anyone to have the power and knowledge. [18:03] She learned to communicate with people in their voice and not the health coach voice. [18:51] We’ve stopped talking with actual people and replaced it with funnels and bots. Conversion happens in awareness, not list building. [20:11] Please get over this magic bullet solution. [21:21] This is a world where we truly have to empower people to know what works for their individual body. [22:39] As a coach we listen and help that person come back to their intuition. [24:37] Getting clear is really about getting confident that you know what to stay. We just get stuck in marketing. [25:34] Our job is to teach this next generation this has got to end. Find what you want to change in this world. [27:04] It will take all of us. We need the courage and confidence to stop sitting in the should and would. [29:17] Rachel recommends keeping it simple. [30:35] There is not a blueprint. It is an intuitive road that you will develop. [32:11] She co-created and co-collaborated with some of the finest people out there. [33:53] You may still need to find your love language to talk to your ideal client. [35:09] You need to find a way to make it work. It may not look exactly like you thought, but nothing is ever what we think it is going to be. We can reinvent and redesign, but it is not easy or everyone would do it. [37:48] Whatever you teach, teach it with conviction. Show people that you are human and relatable. Find those people who believe in you. [38:57] Take the time to get really clear on your why and purpose. [39:34] People want us to be ourselves and at the end of the day, that is all they need. We all have a story. [40:23] Follow coaches you believe in and how they show up.Grab the Sweet Savings for Your Business below:
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