I love this time of year but I also notice I get a lot of calls from people telling me they are having digestive distress, feeling tired and waking up at 3 am. Is this you?
During the Spring time and as we approach the summer, it is so important to hydrate. I have found so many people are missing this key ingredient and it is vital for your digestion, skin, energy levels plus healthy bowels.
If you have tried every diet out there and you are still not losing weight, think hydration.
I have walked up and down the grocery store blown away by the Vitamin Waters, Gatorade and the many drinks you can buy loaded with vitamins and minerals – and they all cost money.
When you make a natural Vitamin Water – not only it is cheap but healthy and fun.
Enjoy these recipes. Click here to grab all my favorite combinations.
I am so excited for you to try. You can head on over to Rachel’s Wellness on facebook for more free recipes and health tips.
Rachel Feldman is a health coach, wellness momma, and a detox specialist. Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, and the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training. She is also certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and has obtained additional Continuing Education Units from Purchase College, State University of New York.
Her approach to health focuses not only on the foods you put into your mouth but also incorporates the elements of body, mind and soul. She is also a biz coach for health-focused solopreneurs, helping you create more, get your work out there strategically, and star raking in the cash you deserve. She has a successful health coaching practice. She uses a proven system in her own thriving practice – these are the tools she sells to health coaches. She does not just write the programs, she use them too! Ready to Empower your Business? Heck Yeah!
To find out more about her programs visit www.rachelswellness.com.
If you are a health coach, visit www.detox.rachelswellness.com