This episode is a breakdown of the four critical steps coaches need to take in order to price their offers with confidence. We are going to walk through why having the right mindset is so important, overcoming Imposter syndrome, truly believing in your offer, and setting up a vision plan to nail down your prices.
Step One: Adjusting Your Mindset
Step one is understanding and embracing that not everyone is like us. That’s the moment that you step into the essential part of the mindset for this business. If you still feel that you are suffering and struggling, and you don’t believe that you can teach somebody how to get to this next step, you’re sitting in imposter syndrome.
When it comes to building a business, we all have some level of imposter syndrome. But it’s important to not quit, it’s important to let go of the fears of being an imposter. Because that takes you away from the prize. And the prize is for you to show up as your authentic self in the way that you would show up or wanted somebody to show up for you in your journey – so that you can truly change that person’s life.
In order to get to the place of charging your worth, and owning your worth, we have to address that elephant in the room: truly believing that you can take somebody from zero to step one (and beyond).
Step Two: Transformative Transformation
Step two is embracing your transformative transformation as your story and believing in this transformation with your heart and your soul.
Show your audience how you lived through and solved the problems that either you went through or that somebody in your life went through. People tend to invest or hire others who have had a similar transformative transformation.
Remember that coaches can help you to see what you cannot see in yourself. That’s exactly what you’re doing for your client. As coaches, it’s important to always put ourselves in our client’s shoes to find missing pieces of the puzzle. Be the advocate for our client. Find that proven process and take your clients through.
Just remember that your business won’t be perfect, no matter how much you plan. So give yourself compassion.
Step Three: Mapping It Out
Step three is to create a mind map or blueprint that will help you plan out how you are going making money in your business. You have to build it out and visualize it to be able to have this become a truth in your life.
Start with 10 boxes at the top. These are your freebies or free opportunities or mini solutions that you offer. You’re going to map out where these opt in freebies are leading people. When these free offers perfectly align with your ideal client – they give them a taste of what it’s like to buy your content or work with you.
These freebies, or list builders are directly solving the problem of your ideal client and eventually lead to your 1:1 offers. You are mapping out a blueprint that directly connects your free offers to your 1:1 paid offers. Remember you are always solving a problem for your audience.
Step Four: Make Sure It’s Profitable
The next step is to just make sure your mind map or blueprint is profitable. You can start by pricing out your 1:1 offer and then declaring what your hourly is. You want to figure out how much it would cost for a client to do a VIP day with you and also how much it would cost to do a single session or entry point session.
You have already proven this blueprint works because you’ve gone through it or you’ve taken people through it already. You should feel confident to charge your worth.
Press play to learn more about the client we coached through this scenario of building out her signature offer suite!