I am not going to give you any secret crazy sauce for landing a podcast because every podcast or interview I have landed came from the following:
Being willing to step out of my comfort zone, and risk the fear of rejection.
So, ready for the big reveal?
Above is the video where I poured my heart and soul into the not so perfect “pick me” entry that worked:
I got in with this entry! I recorded the podcast this week, and the minute it airs, you’ll be the first to know. I shared some incredible gems during my interview, and I can’t wait to get it to you.
I jammed on how I believe that we have to subscribe to the #noexcuses motto for our life, especially if we want to surpass our wildest dreams.
I’m also talking on December 18th during my free live webinar about how to get exposure and what to do when you finally get exposure so you can triple your list, convert paying subscribers and make mad dough.
Isn’t it about time you took the bull by the horns and just went for it?
Click here to join me on December 18th; it’s free.
(If you can’t make it, register for the replay.)
This is what I’ll cover:
- Three strategies to grow your list using social media without paying a shit load of money on Facebook Ads because you’ve had enough of paying crazy money into your pipeline (you need the numbers to be worth it!)
- One killer plan to convert your new subscribers to your health coaching programs so you can finally put on your sales page: SOLD OUT!
- The upsell strategy that keeps them clicking (this one I won’t even tease out here, you’ve got to show up LIVE to learn this!)
- How to close sales and really follow through with your tribe (special guest appearance)
It’s time to give your hustle a little mind blowing green juice to supercharge your results, webinar-style.
PS – If you are struggling to build your business, or you just want to level up and launch something brand spankin’ new then check out the Winter Collection of the Done-For-You Programs because we have plenty of new programs ready to make you money right over here: click to check it all out.
Rachel Feldman is a wellness momma and business success launch coach. Rachel helps her clients to build profitable and sustainable businesses so they can build successful businesses online and offline. After only earning 13K her first year in coaching, she knew she needed to learn how to create a sustainable business built with a solid sales funnel. Rachel went from making 13K to 72K by year 2 1/2 and then broke six figures in her third year of business.
Today, Rachel teaches the same system she built her successful health coaching practice to other health and wellness professionals. She’s helped more than 8,000 health coaches rock their biz to the next level with passion and profits. She works with coaches in her private practice and is the creator of the Done For You Programs for Health Coaches. She created these programs for coaches so they could spend less time creating and more time marketing their business and brand. She knows the importance of saving time being a Mom and a CEO.
Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training.
Published in Florida Man and Woman magazine, Mind Body Green, Williams & Sonoma blog, and Ripe & Ready, among others, she’s a driven entrepreneur and spends her spare time teaching “How to create a profitable business” at the Hippocrates Institute. Even though she’s always on the go, teaching, speaking on podcasts and summits, she makes time in her day for a green smoothie and chocolate at noon and a cuddle session with her kids at night.
Get all the tools you need to build your business at and check out the brand new Launch School for Health Coaches.