Megan Rand, Health Coach: Case Study using a detox system to build her health coach biz

Meet Health Coach, Megan Rand, who used a detox program to jumpstart her career and went from 5 participants to over 100.

I hear one question from health coaches 99.99999% of the time…


It goes a li’l something like this:


‘Rachel, I have spent SO much money on programs and courses. I’ve done masterminds, participated in live courses, and attended a culinary school. I’ve even become a transformational coach. And I’m $50,000 deep …


So tell me, what should I buy from you, Rach?


Naturally, I respond with the only question that actually matters:


‘Who is your niche?’


(insert a chorus of crickets)


I’m going to be brutally honest here…


  • Most coaches don’t know how to own their niche.
  • Most coaches don’t know how to own their story.
  • Most coaches don’t know how to own (and sell) their programs.


The good news?


You don’t have to be like most coaches.


Figuring out — and owning! — your niche is effin’ hard. I get it.


If you’re anything like me…


You might feel like you’re broken.


You might feel embarrassed when you don’t have all of the answers.


And you might feel like you need to FIX all of your health issues in order to be the best health coach possible.


I was forced to figure out and own my niche early on, because I had to face my own health challenges — like having an autoimmune, ulcerative colitis, Lymes and a few other not-so-fabulous viral and pathogen issues.


The more I revealed my own vulnerabilities and the more I was real with my community, the more I attracted clients who were dealing with similar problems.


So tell me, are you owning your story or hiding behind it?


If you’re hiding from your own story, you might tell yourself things like…


“I have my own health issues so I couldn’t possibly be taken seriously as a health coach”

“I am SO non-techie so I’ll never be able to put a program together to sell”


“I don’t have the money to hire a business coach, and without one, I’ll never make my business work”

And you couldn’t be more wrong.

Only a few short years ago, I felt trapped: my husband’s biz went to sh*t (we lost all our savings), we had to sell our home to live on that money, and we ended up moving to a new city (hello, adrenal fatigue!).

  • I started coaching people 1-1 on autoimmune issues, digestion, and adrenal problems — the exact things I suffered from
  • After creating hundreds of session notes and plans for my clients, I then found patterns in them to create my first detox program
  • Other coaches started asking if I sold these programs as done-for-you, and that’s how my business evolved into what you see today

All of the above would NOT have happened if I had NOT embraced my own story and defined my niche.

And today I speak to hundreds of coaches that tell me defining their niche is the hardest part of starting in business.

Because …

  • They buy programs that teach them how to market themselves, but without a clear niche and a defined story, their marketing falls short
  • They’re baffled as to why coaches in the same field have thousands on their list, while their opt-in form is untouched
  • When trying to define a niche and a story, they struggle to find what their unique offering is, and are stuck in one spot, spinning their wheels

If this is you, I’ve got news for you:

Once you nail your niche, you can start doing the real work building your business.


Choose a general niche: detox, weight loss, sugar addiction or mindset
I’m here to help you do it.

This is your last chance to save 15% on any Done-For-You Summer Program OR Your Health Coach Launch School. Plus, snag the FABULOUS BONUSES before 6/19 at 9PM EDT. 

Use CODE: dreambig15 

Be Megan or be this coach. REAL coaches making money doing what they love.

Go for your dreams like these coaches did.






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