Are you creating a personal connection with them by consistently giving them value? Because I see a lot of health coaches overlook the benefits of establishing a personal connection with their audience. But I promise you, this is what’s going to skyrocket your business. It doesn’t matter where you’re leading your audience. What does matter is that you show up. Whether you do it online or offline, you have to connect with people, and you have to invite them into a conversation and not just a funnel.

In today’s episode, Jes Royston shares how she has structured her business from the start, why showing up consistently with value for her audience was a game-changer, and how she and I define showing up in your business.
Jes is also walking us through the stages of building the like, know and trust factor. Plus, she’s giving you some great tips to help you connect with your people so that they genuinely get to know you and sing your praises. As a bonus, Jess and I will also talk you through a proven exercise that helps you map out the problems and solutions you’re solving for your clients so you can start delivering value today!
Connect with Jes:
🔥Gut Health Specialists: Ready To Rock Your Reputation Online?
🔥 Help your clients rebuild their gut bundle for health coaches
🚀 When should you start list building for your next launch?
🚀 YESTERDAY. Don’t stress! You don’t need to spend two weeks getting everything ready to start list building. I’ve done all the work for you! If you need support creating opt-in offers that build trust and help you attract hot leads, then you’ve got to download this done-for-you Rebuild A Healthy Gut bundle right now.
Even if all I gave you was:
✨A 3 Day Gut Rebuilding Plan that you can use right away with your clients! (Vegans I wouldn’t forget about you, there’s a plan for you too!)
✨10 Gorgeous Social Media Images to launch right away
✨5 STUNNING Canva Covers so you don’t need to waste any time updating them
✨1 Blog Post that you can use to generate traffic, turn into a freebie, or keep as a series of nurturing emails to your list! That’s a pretty sweet deal right? BUT… You also get TWO HOURS of bonus video training to walk you through the essential process of building your list the right way.
In Video #1 of this 3-part series, you’ll learn how to:
👉 Create opt-in freebies that your ideal client will go crazy over
👉 Know exactly what topics to create freebies around so you attract leads ready to buy
👉 And test your freebies so you can build your list faster This is the list-building vegan, chocolate, protein boost you need to grow your list and take your business to the next level! It’s time to list-build like a BOSS! Who’s with me? Download the free goodies right here 👇👇👇
Rachel: Yes, guys, we’re enjoying ourselves. That’s the whole point of this business is to make sure that you have fun. I know it can feel overwhelming. But once you get comfortable, when to let go of the overwhelm, and you have a plan, action steps, and little steps, you can build your business without trying to get from zero to 100 in one month, that’s not realistic expectation. Let’s keep it simple. Keep it real, which is why Jess is gonna jam hard on how you do show up? What does that actually mean?
One thing I want you to just think about before we start is are you thinking showing up is creating an Instagram profile? Or posting and boosting on your Facebook business page hoping that somebody arrives on your blog? Is that what you’re doing to show up? It’s all necessary. It’s all great. It’s all wonderful. But showing up is where we connect. So Jess is going to share with you the ways that she has structured her business from the start, and how she and I define showing up. Yes,
Jess: Welcome to — I just call it the Rachael Ray show because she’s right. Once you get things going, this business is so much fun, and so satisfying and so serving. It’s a blast. So hang with us and listen to what we say. And you’re gonna have an awesome practice that you can just laugh about and times when you’re not actually doing something.
So Rachel and I had it way easier when we graduated, because, I won’t say there was no Instagram and Facebook, but it was not the first steps that people teach you. Would you agree with me? They weren’t the first steps that you did out of a business school? Am I correct that Instagram just had their 10 year anniversary this year? Yeah.
Rachel: So let me just even bring you guys back so that you get a clear picture. Facebook Live just started happening, Periscope live just came on, Twitter live was in a testing process as well. Pinterest was and still it a search engine and has an amazing relationship with Google.
So please, when Jess starts telling you about showing up, I want to just demystify really fast the things that we think, it’s not the SEO and your blog, that’s important. People don’t just arrive on your blog, unless you have a lot of traffic. And how do you get traffic? You use these other ways of showing up to lead people to your home with your blog that has your nurturing call to action or a call to action.
An about page is important, all that stuff is important. That is another Google, have a great relationship with Google. But please don’t depend on these thinking that they are going to bring you five figure or 10 figure months. So Jessica’s gonna just talk about this stages of building the like, know and trust factor, and connecting with people so that people get to know you. They know you’re the one who is always talking about clean living, toxin free products for her family. Man. She’s always giving me the truth on this is my favorite brand. It’s my favorite product. This is what we do to prevent food allergies. This is what we do in my family.
Why You Need To Be Both Online & Offline
Jess: It’s good because we really like these things an they were not as readily available when Rachel and I graduated. I am so we had to show up online and offline. Starting offline was where you really had to have conversations with people. So what we want you guys to remember is that you can still do that today. Still set up that business page, still set up your Instagram, share what you’re doing offline and online as well so that you have it in two different places.
But do things like go visit your local juice shop and put out a flyer if you’re doing a clean eating workshop. That was something that I did in the beginning. Yoga studios, acupuncturists, people that are in the holistic field, they are really starting to –even more than when we graduated– understand how important health coaching is. So they are willing to be like sure you can come in and do it.
One of my best workshops that I’ve ever done was called, Plant Over Process. It was literally just telling people take these Cheetos and replace it with something healthier. It was like a swap party of anything. Just take this for this and people showed up because there was so much cluttering information out there. They wanted a human being to be like, I understand why you’re eating that, but just take this and just swap it with that and see what happens to your family.
So it’s these actual belly to belly touches that you want to get with people. They are still really, really relevant. And the cool thing about today, that was before we had these social media platforms, is as you’re there, you can say, Hey, guys, if you want more tips, if you like what I said, Call your phone, Everyone follow me on Instagram, I do a recipe per week. I do whatever you’re giving your client and be really clear about that before you go.
I know what I put the five things that I put on my Instagram every single week that I can guarantee my target audience are going to get. So they say, Oh what, I really would like a new recipe week or favorite brand of this, or I want to see what she’s feeding her kids. I want to see what she does when she’s out at a restaurant. These are all things like Rachel said, okay, that I want to know. Want to just know about gut health? I’ve never heard of it. But I really want to know why. Or why does she eat more plants than processed food? Why are the things that she packs her kids in lunch and after school? Why is that important? Why do I need to do? Why do I need to know that for my kids?
When you get them questioning that, that’s how you begin building things online, where you can give more information to more people, but you really need to do this offline and be showing up for your audience first. So then when you do a periscope or Facebook Live, too.
Simple Actions Steps To Overcome Overwhelm
Rachel: This is what I want to give you guys, some really simple action steps. And I’m a visual person, I’d say the majority of people are. Also it’s a great exercise when we do get overwhelmed. And this is an overwhelming process. ponent business. Remember, just two simple steps.
Simple breathing. Okay, let me come down from this. I know I feel really overwhelmed. So there are many moving steps, tap, tap, tap, take a breath, and pull out your biz journal. This is something that I love. I think it also forces us to get into the creative zone, because we’re taking our thoughts which can often feel very jumbled, especially when we sit in front of a computer. So I want to just give a visual, exactly what Jess is saying.
So take a piece of paper, make a box at the top. Put in this area: when I joined school, when I attended, when I signed up, I wanted to teach X, I want to be known X. We’re going to just put a little bubble because we know that just talking. In the beginning stages, it was clean eating was getting rid of processed foods. I call this the testing phase, which are these little circles. She just talked about sugar, she talked about toxins, she talked about clean eating, unprocessed plant base, she was testing. This doesn’t mean that she’s not going to still continue this. What we’ve just heard from Jess, is there are four pillars that Jess continues to talk about.
So somebody says, Wow, I’ve seen Jess offline, or I saw her at my health food store. Or I saw this flyer, or I saw her on Facebook in this group doing a live on this topic, or sharing a pre-recorded video series, or a recipe, or a podcast interview. I saw her consistently sharing about a number of different topics. We make a subconscious move. We don’t even realize we are doing that. When we follow, we start to know that Jeff is going to consistently talk about these four areas, that from her testing phase, she realized this is what most people want.
Please note that doing a Facebook ad or hiring a social media company for $4500 in the beginning stages, or doing a full branding for $6,000 and a website in the beginning stages often leads people to frustration and a lot of money being flushed down the toilet. This is what Jess means of showing up is that we tested online or offline. It wasn’t just oh, I did a blog.
I don’t know why anyone’s not going to show up in the actual teaching, connecting, answering questions, telling people Hey guys, I just put together 10 recipes if you want a personal message me or Hey, I just did a story on Instagram. If you want this DM me. Can’t wait to talk to you bring them in. Don’t just treat people like a funnel. That’s what we talked about in these earlier videos. People are not a book, they’re not a funnel, they are not just a marketing research.
This funnel is proven, it’s proven when it works for your specific type of client. And each one of you have different ones. So what Jess means right here to keep it really simple. You’re going to start workshop one, workshop two, workshop three, these are the three that you can go and pitch to the health food store, to your own doctor, acupuncturist.
We talked about that in an earlier video. The same can be a pitch to somebody who’s doing a summit, a podcast, influencers, online, people who have mentors, you trust everything. If you’re not showing up and having a conversation, you are not prepping for the Superbowl, you just have sat on the sideline and you’re like, I’m here. I’m here. I have my XYZ number on the back. But you haven’t really taken the step to show up consistently in the practice, and then work even harder. And working harder will pay off. Because you’re not just doing what everyone else does. You’re not over here in that. Oh, yeah. Well, I’m on the team. No, you got to be on the field to get recognized. So this could be a healthy food swap. This could even be dirty dozen. If you don’t have the money for organic, I want to show you my strategies, whether it’s the local farm, baking. I’m going to share with you my tools and tricks to build trust with you. The list is ongoing when you get clear.
When You Have Content, You Just Need Confidence
So when Jess says she didn’t exactly know in the beginning, guess what guys? None of us did. We had to come, we had to show up. So when Jess says go offline, you can do this online. The reason I just pulled content from the guide, is that when you either make your own or you buy from us, you have all that content, whether it’s a workshop, a webinar, a video, a video series, an opt in freebie, a teaching series, doesn’t matter. Because you have your talking points, then you don’t go, I can’t do a video. I don’t even know what to say.
No. What you mean is you haven’t strengthened your confidence muscles, because all the contents in here, and everything was in your brain. You’re just stopping and going, but nobody’s converted from my Instagram, which I only post once. Well, that’s not how it works. But that’s what we all think.
Making Sure You’re Comfortable With Your Topic Choices
Now everyone is going to make their little sheet. What would you say is action step for them to either go offline? Or go online? What would you say to go and do?
Jess: Once you you filled out what reach, explain to the 123 you need to make sure that they are things that you are actually applying in your own life. For me if I showed up and said, Hey, guys, I’m doing a Keto/Atkins workshop. None of the people that knew me would have come because I do not eat like that. You have to make sure that these are topics that you’re comfortable with.
If you’re overwhelmed, and there’s a million different topics you can do in the world of nutrition, figure out what you are doing on a day to day basis within your family. Again, we can go back to the why. Why you went to health coaching school to begin with, probably because you have your own story. Go back to your why and say, Why did I choose to clean out the toxins of my cleaners, my hair stuff, my skin stuff? Do a workshop on that, because you know better than anyone else why you do that for you and your family. Why did I choose to shop organic once I learned about pesticides? Do a topic on that.
Have it be things that come natural to you and do not look at what other people are doing on social or Instagram. Fill out your thing based on topics that you’re comfortable with that you have changed, that you’ve made in your own life, and then go out to your local people and ask if you can do a talk. I literally knocked on doors or yoga studios and shops and just introduce yourself and say hey, Would any of your clientele be interested in this? They’re not gonna say no.
If they do, just remember it’s not you, meaning you haven’t gotten clear yet. And the way that I did the same thing, just because I moved to Boca Raton, Florida a month after graduating from school. So when people say, well, but you knew people No, actually, I didn’t know, I didn’t even know that the area that I lived in even existed. So I really didn’t know anybody.
But what I did was, I would research those places, I would go in, so that I wasn’t just doing what most of us do, which is that cold call, I would call and say, I love going in there. I love your juices. I love your vibe. I have gone to a yoga class, guys, I don’t do yoga. But what I wanted them to know is that I’ve invested in them. I have consistently sent people there. That’s how you build trust with people.
So I just before we go, guys, I wanted to show you how simple this is. I did this because here’s Jessica’s Plant Over Process swap workshop. This can go to a cooking class, a paid cooking class at $30 for 10 people. So freakin fun and you make $300. This can go to your one on one. This could go to a group, a grocery shopping tour, or group paid. These are all paid guys. Because you’ve shown up free.
The Mistake Coaches Make Online And Offline
Jess: You consistently don’t ask for what is called the right hook, the sign up here, the come to this. You’re like Hey, guys, I know that we’re dating. I want to just show you that I’m not like everyone else. I’m asking you to hire me. Yeah. So this can go to a group, it could go to a do it yourself, it could go to classes, it doesn’t matter where it goes. What matters is that you don’t make the big mistake that everyone in the digital world, whether you’re working online, offline, or a hybrid, which means a combination of the both.
Rachel: The majority of coaches, they make the mistake thinking people are bots or funnels, that you can just come in and say join this challenge, do this, come to this. That’s not how successful businesses in any business get out. It’s trust. It’s relationship building. And that’s why Jess and I so strongly feel it doesn’t matter where you’re leading them. What you have to do the showing up, whether you’re doing it offline online, you have to connect with people, you have to invite them to come into a conversation and not just a funnel.
Jess: So one more thing just to piggyback. So a really cool thing about how Rach showed you that one workshop led to so many stuff. I know that this is true, because I did a workshop probably two years ago that is still feeding into my business. So I did one workshop about anti inflammatory foods at a Physical Therapy Center down the street. They had actually heard from me, through past clients, found me online, checked out my website said okay, we want you to talk about this.
Did everybody sign up for health coaching or a group or do your self that night? Absolutely not. What I’ve gotten since then from that is I would say probably 75% of those people went to one on one clients, or if it wasn’t themselves, they referred people, which I’m going to talk about another minute. Almost all of them did the Spring Cleanse with me.
I did another group workshop and asked one of the employees there, hey, if anyone from your physical therapy place wants to come and I had them come to a gut workshop, because once they learned about anti inflammatory foods, and I spoke about how absorption is so important, they wanted to learn more.
So the cool thing that starts to happen when you are known as the gut girl, the clean eating girl, the thyroid girl, hormone, whatever you are set out to be people will remember you. Even if they don’t need you, they know someone that does so that referral network is huge. That’s when online comes in really helpful because you don’t have to run Facebook ads, but if you’re in a local moms group and someone says hey, I’m looking for a health coach, I’m really struggling with hormones, your name is going to be the one.
Rachel: I know Facebook personal page we’re talking about this is not for telling people to buy this. That’s not what Facebook is about. It’s frowned upon by what I call Facebook police but also if somebody just feels that you’re overusing that, they could report you etc. The one thing that many people and it’s the people that I followed, they use their personal Facebook page as a way to build their brand to show their friends Behind the Scenes Live, to show what they do to share their morals. They give a sneak peek into just how they view the world.
I’ve never in all the time, unless something was shared from my business page, put a blank. I’ve always educated, I’ve always come from that perspective of my personal Facebook page is a place where I share this big vision for the world in health in business. When you do that, and you do it successfully, people will message you. And you’ll start to see on your personal page that people will tag under a video or post and say, follow this person.
It’s the same way on Instagram. Jess and I were just talking about how Tik Tok is same thing, because one of our clients said, I shared a recipe on my Tik Tok. Jess and I were talking about the social media platforms where maybe you don’t need to go and focus all your attention to crush it, but your clients are shouting you out.
So you can always just say to a client, hey, if that feels right, feels right tag a few friends, I’ll give you guys a gift. Thanks for the love. Just remember to always ask yourself, How do I want to be spoken to? How do I want to be? Go back in time when I needed this support. What would feel good for me? What did I need to be teaching?
That’s what Jess said earlier in this video. We often overlook this personal connection. So guys, do your little homework step. Make your boxes and then take the time to create this map. We have this map as one of our downloads, and just helping you to map out the problems and the solutions. But these maps I create are just very simple and allows you to visually see all these opportunities that you can lead people to no matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Just remember possibilities are endless. We will see you guys on the next video. Do your homework. Bye, guys.