Yes, it is a F.R.E.E Juice Cleanse.
You do not have to do the entire 3 days. You may just want the recipes or the infomation about how Juicing can benefit the body but regardless, this baby is for you.
Simple recipes and a simple juice cleanse plan.
I know you are busy like me.Trust me.
I have two kids, age 7 and 9, with a full time health coaching practice, self care and life. I also have a great hubby and an awesome dog named Esther. Life can get pretty hectic, which is when I feel congestd, constipated and blah.
Having an autoimmune means I need to work a bid harder when it comes to keeping my pipes clean, hydrated and my liver happy – which means clear skin, great poops, awesome sleep and balanced moods.
Why juicing? The liver, who has 500 metabolic jobs, needs to have a fluidity in order to give you and me the vital Qi we need for life. If you feel tired, moody, constipated, hormones wacked or stressed, then this gem is for you.
Here is one of my favorite Juices:
1 cucumber (great for water retention)
6 stalks celery (natural source of sodium)
1 Handful lettuce (hydrates and alkalizes)
1 handful parsley (flushes the kidneys)
2 lemons to flush that divine lymph and support healthy liver (bile flow is vital for optimal digestion, silky hair and good nails).
Optional: Supercharge with 1/2 teaspoon spirulina, wheatgrass or chlorella.
I adore chlorella because it naturally removes heavy metals plus cools the liver and alkalizes the body. And, when that happens inflammation goes bye bye.
Healthy Mantra – I will consume the foods that give me nourishment and speak to people in my life that fuel my happiness.
Download a free Juice cleanse here —