Chia Pudding, hello!! Happy Hubby oh yeah!!
My man went #vegetarian after a liver and gallbladder cleanse. My hubby has an autoimmune called psoriasis and it is one of the reasons we move from #Philly to Florida in the warm, sunny and humid weather.
After doing this cleanse, he felt great not eating animal protein and decided to veg it out. My son is vegetarian. My daughter loves meat. I eat a combo of raw, paleo, vegan and what makes me feel good. If I need some fish or bison, I will have it. I stopped defining myself by the words or how I eat or what I eat. Instead, I want to thrive without a sucky #autoimmune in my life. I think anyone with an autoimmune wants to feel this way.
I juice.
Here is one of my favorites recipes:
Serves 1-2
3 cucumbers
2 kiwis 1 large beet
1 large beet
10 lettuce leaves
1 bunch parsley
Juice of 1 lemon
1-inch fresh ginger
I cleanse daily.
I use doterra essential oils daily to boost immune and support stress levels. Check them out here.
I cleanse my mind.
I do acupuncture, sauna, castor oil packs and a whole bunch of other cool things to keep myself feeling epic and awesome.
Plus, when I was diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal fatigue at 28, I needed to love up those babies too with vitamin c, @designsforhealth adrenal supplement, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and tons of probiotics like Renew Life, Klaire, VSL and more.
I also make sure to take chinese herbs and homeopathy for liver, kidney, adrenal support.
I have been making hubby killer meals like this:
We call this “Wake up Chia Bowl”

Serves 1
1 cup dairy-free milk
⅓ cup chia seeds @nutiva
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey
1 cup fresh chopped fruit – peaches are in season
Top with blueberries
Thoroughly mix dairy-free milk with chia seeds, vanilla extract, and maple syrup and let the mixture set for about 5 minutes. When the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid, the consistency should be close to tapioca pudding. Top with your favorite chopped fruit and some love.
⭐️ if you want to add protein, use @sunwarriorproteintribe or you can add collagen from @vitalproteins
Remember, the only one diet right for you is the one that makes you feel great.
This means:
- No Bloating
- No acne
- No headaches
- No foggy thinking
- Great sex drive
- No cellulite
- No nasty mood swings
Get the picture? Yep. Right?
Love, Rach
Rachel Feldman is a wellness momma and business launch and niche coach. Rachel helps her clients to build profitable and sustainable businesses so they can build successful businesses online and offline. After only earning 13K her first year in coaching, she knew she needed to learn how to create a sustainable business built with a solid sales funnel. Rachel went from making 13K to 72K by year 2 1/2 and then broke six figures in her third year of business.
Today, Rachel teaches the same system she built her successful health coaching practice to other health and wellness professionals. She’s helped more than 8,000 health coaches rock their biz to the next level with passion and profits. She works with coaches in her private practice and is the creator of the Done For You Programs for Health Coaches. She created these programs for coaches so they could spend less time creating and more time marketing their business and brand. She knows the importance of saving time being a Mom and a CEO.
Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training.
Published in Florida Man and Woman magazine, Mind Body Green, Williams & Sonoma blog, and Ripe & Ready, among others, she’s a driven entrepreneur and spends her spare time teaching “How to create a profitable business” at the Hippocrates Institute. Even though she’s always on the go, teaching, speaking on podcasts and summits, she makes time in her day for a green smoothie and chocolate at noon and a cuddle session with her kids at night.