99. How To Create A Newsletter For Your Health Business

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You’ve heard me say it before: you don’t own your social media accounts –but you do own your email list. One of the best ways to connect with your audience, build authority and show them that you’ve got a solution for their wake up in the middle of the night problem is through your email newsletter. So how do you create a newsletter for your email list?

In today’s episode, I talk all about newsletters including why they are important, how to create one, and what to include in yours. I’ll walk you through exactly where to find your audience to get them on your list (and how I built my own list when I first started out), three strategies to rock your newsletter every single time, and how to create a newsletter when you’re tired and don’t feel like writing. I even give you 10 powerful subjects lines AND a newsletter template to help inspire your next email.


🔥Gut Health Specialists: Ready To Rock Your Reputation Online?

🔥 Help your clients rebuild their gut bundle for health coaches

🚀 When should you start list building for your next launch?

🚀 YESTERDAY. Don’t stress! You don’t need to spend two weeks getting everything ready to start list building. I’ve done all the work for you! If you need support creating opt-in offers that build trust and help you attract hot leads, then you’ve got to download this done-for-you Rebuild A Healthy Gut bundle right now. 

Even if all I gave you was:

✨A 3 Day Gut Rebuilding Plan that you can use right away with your clients! (Vegans I wouldn’t forget about you, there’s a plan for you too!)

✨10 Gorgeous Social Media Images to launch right away

✨5 STUNNING Canva Covers so you don’t need to waste any time updating them

✨1 Blog Post that you can use to generate traffic, turn into a freebie, or keep as a series of nurturing emails to your list! That’s a pretty sweet deal right? BUT… You also get TWO HOURS of bonus video training to walk you through the essential process of building your list the right way. 

In Video #1 of this 3-part series, you’ll learn how to:

👉 Create opt-in freebies that your ideal client will go crazy over

👉 Know exactly what topics to create freebies around so you attract leads ready to buy

👉 And test your freebies so you can build your list faster This is the list-building vegan, chocolate, protein boost you need to grow your list and take your business to the next level! It’s time to list-build  a BOSS! Who’s with me? Download the free goodies right here 👇👇👇 

Hey there guys, it is Rachel Feldman. I want to dedicate this episode to talking about your newsletter. We all have lead magnets, otherwise known as opt-in freebies, we have free opportunities. Maybe you have a PDF, download a checklist, a quiz, workshop, a webinar, the list goes on on how many free opportunities you can have. 

One of my favorites is actually a mini teaching series, taking our five-day challenge and creating a five-day hot Crash Course, or taking the five-day ketogenic. With a five-day ketogenic plan with recipes, and creating a five-day blast the fat challenge making it really easy. Those were your freebies. They are direct solutions for your ideal client who is searching for a solution to their problem. 

Where To Find Your Audience To Get Them On Your List

But we also have to talk about getting people onto our list. We’re either going to get people onto our list organically on different social media platforms. It’s extremely important for you to know where your audience hangs out. If you’re a brand new coach, highly encourage you to interview 15 people and your friend and family poll and ask them what are the social media platforms they’re on? 

If you’re working with new moms, look at Pinterest, look at Facebook groups that attract that mom. If you’re working with people in their 50s and 60s, probably Facebook is a great place. I would say someone in a younger demographic would probably be Instagram. LinkedIn, if you’re working corporate figure out where the social platforms. 

You can do paid Facebook ads, paid Instagram ads. You can do paid Google ads, but that comes way later. These are how you’re getting people into your list. I hope you’re also looking locally, because you can actually reach out into your community wellness centers, yoga studios, coffee shops, libraries. Look at places that will allow you to also host a workshop. I even went in and pitched workshops to a restaurant and said, Look, I would love to promote your name, I will promote you on my Facebook business page, I will blog about you. I was wondering if I could use this as a space. That became the exact strategy I used for every place that I pitched. They want to expose their business more, they want to bring value to the clients of their existing business. 

So I would go into chiropractors’ offices, I would go into acupuncturist. I started to look at people locally that I wanted to build that know, like, and trust factor with so I could build my referral network. Please take my advice and write down 20 places that you are going to contact. Write down the benefits of your workshop for their establishment and make sure that you’re joining network groups. For me at that time, it was young moms. So I knew that I had to join PTA, I had to go where moms were hanging out. I went to a local farm got involved in their events. I did workshops for them so that I could build that exposure. I went and did classes at schools. And that was such a great way because that’s where my ideal client was hanging out. 

Figure out where your ideal client is hanging out. And most importantly, always ask people that fit your ideal client avatar, which is the personality and the problems. What are the demographics for your ideal client? And get that information. 

What To Do When You Have An Email List

But what do we do when we actually get people to our list? We’re so worried about the social media, we’re so worried about somebody downloading our freebie, but what if we have just 30 people on our list? That’s 30 people that you can create a VIP relationship with. And that leads us to our newsletter. 

Your newsletter is an opportunity to connect with our email list, build authority and trust with them and show them that you’ve got a solution for their wake up in the middle of the night problem. I see so many coaches struggling to use email marketing the right way. This is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal, because your email list is your own. Those people have chosen to be there. 

So imagine you pitch a workshop locally. And if you don’t have the time to create one, go to yourhealthcoach.com, where we solve one big problem: time. We know you have the knowledge, but you just don’t have the time to create it. Pick one that is going to be specific to the workshop that you want to pitch. And get in front of people. And then you’re going to be able to follow up. 

Trust me, building that know, like, and trust factor face to face is so much easier than building that in the online space. Both are necessary, in my opinion, but it’s much better to get in front of somebody face to face, and build that relationship. That’s how I built my one on one business in the beginning,when I was struggling to get that visibility. It was a much easier and softer way to be able to get one on one clients, and also to be asked to partner at local gyms and different facilities to teach and to also host programs. 

Three Strategies To Rock Your Newsletter

So now we’re talking about our newsletter. What I’m going to talk about are the best three strategies for rocking your newsletter, regardless of the size of your list. I will say this. If you have 30 people on your list, carve out two hours and individually email these 30 people. 

Ask them, Hey, I want to know what problems you have. How long have you been searching for a solution to this problem that you’re having? What have you tried in the past? If you could wave a magic wand, what would you have resolved today? Start asking them what are some of the things that they’re looking to solve? What content would they like to hear from you so that you can really tap right into what your ideal client needs from you? So you can send them a personal email. 

But let’s talk about strategy. Number one, keep it consistent. Make sure that you’re committing to a newsletter that you feel is doable, is it twice a month? Is it once a month? Is it once a week? Make sure that you get that newsletter and you communicate to them on that regular basis. Because when you don’t communicate, you don’t want to end up having a launch or opening up your one on one and then having nobody respond because you haven’t been communicating with them. To make it useful and inspiring. 

One of my favorite things that I did is, I would give freebies to my list. So I would actually give a freebie. No opt-in required. I already have their email. I want them to know that they should not leave my list, that they will always be loved by me. And so you can actually send an email that says here is the gift of the week. One of my favorite is five recipes for energy. You can take any one of our recipe guides, any one of our content freebies, and deliver this to your newsletter so that you actually have a newsletter strategy. Making it much easier for you to stay consistent. 

Also in your social media, pay attention to what they’re asking for. You can even say, hit reply or fill out this form and tell me what kind of content I can provide to you so I can really nail it down and be that solution for you. 

Include a call to action. You can always have in your newsletter a call to action, hit reply and tell me your biggest win today or tell me what you’re struggling with. Or book a discovery session, or download this training series or download this gut training series. Have that call to action. 

You don’t want to sit there and just hit your audience with tons of incredibly packed value but then leave them hanging. The purpose of the emails for your audience to take action. It could even be, check out this week’s vlog or download this gift. Or watch this video that I created for you. 

Here’s a personal message from me. In that personal message, making it specific to your ideal clients problems. Maybe share a client testimonial. Show a win that you had in your own health struggles to help your ideal client identify with you. Share a personal story, your behind the scenes, your why. How are you solving those problems that your ideal client is having? 

The purpose is to get them to say I’m building trust with this person, they always deliver to me on time, they give me the solution to the problems I have. 

A Newsletter Template

So we want to think about how do you make a very simple template for that? You can say something like: 

Hello friend. 

I’m writing to you from my mom’s house where we had the best celebration. There’s no doubt that this birthday is one of my favorites. I love when my family gets together and focuses on birthday celebrations. But if you’re anything like me, you have a tendency to overdo it, or maybe a lot, with all the cake, the cookies and the sweets. I may be a health coach, but I’m also a human and I just can’t say no to my favorite foods of the holiday of this celebration. 

But with that second helping of cake came a stomachache, and all of a sudden major bloating. Are you feeling that bloating too, when you go to a birthday celebration? Maybe you went to your kid’s celebration the other day and you had way too much. Here’s my mini-plan to debloat after a celebration. 

  • Step one. Drink warm water with lemon first thing the following morning and throughout the day. 
  • Step two. Move your body. Take walks or hit the gym, sweat it out. 
  • Step three. Pay attention to portions. If you overdid it at the main celebration, go back to those normal portions. 

Remember, we don’t want to live in deprivation. So put the mini plan into action ASAP and get your body feeling better. 

PS Here is a quick recipe guide to help you debloat. 

Right there. It’s a great format for a newsletter. We had a powerful introduction, we brought in a personal story. So that’s number one, brand and personal story. We had a great subject line. Too much cake at the birthday party? Do this to debloat. Then we brought in that relatability? How is this email going to benefit your ideal client? Then we brought in our three-step action. Plus we gave a call to action. You can also do a PPS. Have you been struggling with bloating fatigue on a regular basis? Schedule A no-cost call so I can explain what helped me finally overcome my x issues and a link to schedule. 

The Power Behind A Good Subject Line

I would say that there’s also power in subject lines. So let me give you some 10 subject lines that I think are going to be really beneficial and they were extremely helpful for me to have on a notepad. Yes, I encourage you to have a notepad or a journal to keep subject lines. This is on my apple notes, making it easy for me to access and easy for me to implement into my newsletter, especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed or tired. 

The truth is it does take a lot to build our business. And so making sure that you start to create these notepads will allow you to go back when you’re having one of those brain fog, brain fart moments. I will tell you grab some goji berries, have some figs dates, really blood nourishing foods and get that brain working again. 

So here are subject lines that are sure to get open. The biggest health mistake I’ve ever made. That’s number one. Only open this if you want to feel amazing with x issue. The secret to staying healthy during any celebration. Is this sabotaging your weight loss efforts? Talk about actually what does sabotage weight loss give us? Three problems that sabotage weight loss and then give the solution. Another one is: You’re invited. You can use that for a webinar or special event. You can use that for a Live. How to turn things around when you’re feeling gross. 

Talk about those gut issues. Talk about the issues that your client is having. How do you recover when you’ve got hormonal stress? How do you recover when you’ve gained weight? How do you recover when you have food intolerances? What’s your favorite probiotic?

Really bring them into your behind the scenes and how you solve these problems? Then another is: Can I ask you a question? This is great for that market research that I said to send to your list. It’s really important to have a tap. What are your biggest struggles these days? How can I help you with content? What are you looking for in getting your problem solved? 

Another is: The number one thing you need to know to double your energy. This is how Emily transformed her health. You can do a success story. The real reason you’re feeling bloated all the time. 

So many of those can be interchangeable to any of your newsletters. And here’s a quick tip. If you’re sitting on a boatload of blogs and you don’t know what to do with them, or you don’t or you don’t even know what to send to your newsletter list. Take a blog and turn that into a newsletter.

How To Create A Newsletter When You’re Tired

Second, how do you make a newsletter when you’re feeling tired? Take one of our opt-in freebies and pull down the sections. Make sure that you have that intro, make sure that you’re covering the problems. Give a solution, and then a call to action. You can also take a video that you’ve maybe done in the past, or a video that you have for a masterclass, get it transcribed. 

One of my favorite ways to do this and my pro tip is to go on to Chrome loom comm upload that video and hit the transcription. This is a no-cost-free way of getting transcribed and then you’re able to use that verbiage for a newsletter. 

Well guys, it’s been awesome to be with you. I hope that this has made sending newsletters a little easier and giving you a little template and a format. Alright guys, stay tuned for the next podcast and we will see you guys later.

Additional Resources:

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