Do you struggle with creating content? When I first started my health business, content creation was the biggest roadblock in my business, so I get it. But when you keep putting your content on the back-burner instead of in front of your audience, you’re not only stalling your business growth, but you aren’t giving your audience the information they need to change their health.

In today’s episode, I am walking you through a few processes you can take to nail down a month’s worth of content so you can strategically and intuitively get your content out there in the online space without the struggle. We’re talking about everything from defining what you want to be known for, how to theme your month, what types of content you can create, why videos are your new best friend, plus a week-by-week content breakdown.
If you want to learn how to simplify your content strategy so you can get your content in front of your audience, tune in to this episode!
🔥Gut Health Specialists: Ready To Rock Your Reputation Online?
🔥 Help your clients rebuild their gut bundle for health coaches
🚀 When should you start list building for your next launch?
🚀 YESTERDAY. Don’t stress! You don’t need to spend two weeks getting everything ready to start list building. I’ve done all the work for you! If you need support creating opt-in offers that build trust and help you attract hot leads, then you’ve got to download this done-for-you Rebuild A Healthy Gut bundle right now.
Even if all I gave you was:
✨A 3 Day Gut Rebuilding Plan that you can use right away with your clients! (Vegans I wouldn’t forget about you, there’s a plan for you too!)
✨10 Gorgeous Social Media Images to launch right away
✨5 STUNNING Canva Covers so you don’t need to waste any time updating them
✨1 Blog Post that you can use to generate traffic, turn into a freebie, or keep as a series of nurturing emails to your list! That’s a pretty sweet deal right? BUT… You also get TWO HOURS of bonus video training to walk you through the essential process of building your list the right way.
In Video #1 of this 3-part series, you’ll learn how to:
👉 Create opt-in freebies that your ideal client will go crazy over
👉 Know exactly what topics to create freebies around so you attract leads ready to buy
👉 And test your freebies so you can build your list faster This is the list-building vegan, chocolate, protein boost you need to grow your list and take your business to the next level! It’s time to list-build a BOSS! Who’s with me? Download the free goodies right here 👇👇👇
Hey guys, it is Rachel Feldman. If you don’t know me, I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition back in 2010. I got some additional certifications for detoxification, built my business struggled in the beginning. But finally, started making consistent income.
How To Get Your Content Out There Using A 30 Day Strategy
One of the big problems that I faced was creating content. Creating my signature free offers, my signature challenges, my signature workshops, my signature programs, and different cost levels low, mid, high. It’s exactly why we create content for you. So you have that template to start with. And you can save time.
What I want to talk about in this next free training is how to actually get your content out there in a strategic and yet intuitive way. So I’m going to take you through a few different very simple processes that you can do. I wanted to actually show you this, let’s think 30 days, at a glance. It is much easier to think that way. Nail down your 30 days and then be able to bring in the strategy.
Define What You Want To Be Known For
Step one is I want you to define what you want to be known for. Is it hormones, metabolism, blood sugar, gut, clean eating mindset? What do you want to be known for? What do you need to answer as the problems for your ideal client? What is your ideal client searching for? It’s great to do a little market research. You can even go on Amazon and look at trending books.
But it’s really great to actually ask even friends and family if you don’t have clients, or do a poll on a Facebook group, especially if you have your own. See what are their biggest problems are and then I want you to actually write them down. How are they saying in their verbiage? Because this is how you’re going to create viral content. I know that might sound a lot but it’s not. Ask people questions. Note how they’re saying it and turn their answers into your marketing.
Where we come in is the content. So you’re doing your market research, you’re asking these polls. And you’re going to define it because that’s your signature process. That’s what makes you different from every other Coach and what you are going to do. Not only teach the backstory, your origin story, when you first started your own hero’s journey, the trials, the tribulations, your why. If you have friends and family that you’ve helped behind the scenes, these are the stories we want to tell so that people identify with us.
How To Theme Your Month
I want to show you exactly how I get this done. One, it’s really important to think of this as week one, week two, week three, week four, you have seven days that week. So I want you to think how are you theming your month? How are you theming each week?
Step one: I want you to get a 30-day calendar, I find that it’s much easier to do it on a whiteboard, and to create these small boxes. Instead of doing it on a whiteboard, I’m gonna do it right with you. So that you see it is so easy when we do this, just writing it down in a book. I like to have actually a book where I keep all my really special ideas for my business content ideas in a hardback. This is where I do my work.
So I’m going to say that we’re planning this in July 2021. I’m going to write down a theme I want to talk about in July 2021. I’m going to write down, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 problems. I’m telling you, the more that you understand your ideal client doesn’t mean you’re talking about 30 problems for the whole month, but the more that you step into his or her shoes, the faster you will become a successful coach and you will connect to them more instead of just creating content. Rather than sitting there and it not converting.
So I’m gonna write down seven boxes. I’m gonna decide that the theme for my month is gut health, self-love, and self-care. So for my ideal client, taking care and thriving with an autoimmune, thriving with food allergies, self-love and self-care.
How To Come Up With Types Of Content
Step number one is I’m going to think, I need a blend of infographics. Maybe one video a week. So I’m going to put goal: video. Write this down. That could be pre-recorded that could be Live. There are so many things that you can do with a video. Most importantly, it is really connecting with your ideal client. So we’re going to do video.
Then we’re going to make sure that we have infographics. Social media ideas for Reels. So right now I’m going to write down seven boxes on your content plan. Add month, theme, any holiday or major happenings. Remember, our ideal client is influenced by the media, TV shows where they digest their information. So sometimes it’s really important to write down some things that may be affecting your ideal client.
Then week one, add the date and the theme for the week. So we know this came from months, but then we’re going to break it down into many themes. So my ideal client is struggling with the gut. I know that. So when I look at something like the gut infographics, I not only have these broken down into individual sections, but this is going to give me ideas for my reels. 70% of the immune systems in the gut. Signs of gut imbalance for bloated, this can be day one.
I’m actually going to do and I can go through each 10 of these and decide what’s a Reel and what’s an infographic. So if you’re planning your theme for, let’s say, Instagram, and you want it to be a Reel because you know that they are converting really well. You can do that Reel and then download it the same can be on tik tok.
All of a sudden, you have these ideas, signs can sleep. Signs of imbalances, we said got imbalanced bloated food intolerances, gaining weight, mood issues, IBS, itchy skin. I just had 10 ideas.
Why Videos Are Game-Changers
So what I’m going to do is go back to just my seven squares because now I’m confident that I could have a video on one day. I’m going to say I have videos on my Thursday, I’m actually writing them down in my box, video. Wednesday, I’m going to do a Reel Tuesday. I’m going to do an infographic, Monday. I’m going to do a Reel after Friday. I’m going to do an infographic Saturday, I’m going to put an eight-minute video on IGTV. The same video I could use on YouTube, the same video I can use on my Facebook business page.
That’s why I really want you to think about videos. The reason I’m doing that Saturday morning is my ideal client has that time to said you know and check social media. So I’m gonna put that around 9am and then Sunday I’m going to do an infographic. That same strategy could be on Facebook. If you’re doing Reels, you’re going to download and then you can upload that right to Facebook. The other thing that you can do is you can do the Reel on your desktop, and then shoot a video of that Reel.
There are so many ways to make it simple and repurpose it these days. You can repurpose videos by doing them on different platforms. Or you can just keep it simple. You don’t have to do Reels. We can have more infographics, personal pictures of yourself, but at least we know what topics we’re talking about. Then I’m going to go in and see the next gut health. I’m going to do science first, then I’m going to do gut health.
Here’s topic one. These are all from our infographics, 30 days captions and hashtags included your gut, I can talk about weight, energy, hormone balance, immunity, five aspects or five ways that your gut affects your health. Then what to eat, that could actually be a shopping tour video, that could actually be a video of you even making a plant-based meal, how to eat, talk about real food, real food and getting rid of toxins see us as all that really cool stuff, co Ops, processed foods. You can take a video, shoot it pre-recorded right from your phone. That could be a two-minute video of you showing labels, even a 60 second video showing labels, causes of imbalance, eating on the go, you could drive up to a McDonald’s, take a picture,
See how simple it is? Or you could use these infographics. Now, all of our infographics come with captions. These are long captions, they cost me a lot. Then you have these hashtags. Amazing, completely done. Do you ever just crave certain foods when you’re upset? This can be for a Reel. This can be for a video, this can be a description of YouTube. You could have the link right under grab my free gift.
I’m gonna put this all together for you. That means your free gifts can be the PDF of the workshop you did. Now you might be saying Rach, we talked to so many different ideas. WTF? Are you going to actually tell me what you’re doing each week? Yes, but I can’t bullshit you and say what? That this is just like, the 10 minute video that everyone says, Oh my god, this is how I do content.
This is how we make content not be overwhelming. Right there. You have your infographics. Do you ever just crave food? This can also be the description, neurotransmitters are chemical signals to send from the brain to the past message through your body. You can even talk about neurotransmitters you can even talk about your own personal situation. That’s 30 days.
How To Simplify Your Week With Video Content
Now stick with me kid. I say that seriously. Like a kid in a candy shop, because I know you all feel that way., we have so many coaches worldwide who say that, but I want to show you the next step and show you how to simplify your week of content with those videos.
I want to show you how simple it can be. Not only would you have those 30 infographics in the captions, but you could also have a freebie like this. You have your teaching PowerPoint. This can be your theme for the month. But then what I would do is I would have a little workshop on gut basics. I will have a workshop on the gut in hormones, or I would have a workshop on stress and adrenal and hormones or I would have a workshop on signs of gut dysbiosis.
My main workshop, I mean not workshop little videos, I can even use these for little clips. Why does immune system attack the body I’m showing gender, ethnicity, genetics, environment, diet habits to keep you and your immune system healthy. Going through a different baseline my daily routine 30 habits for thriving with an autoimmune. I could actually teach these habits week by week and go week by week and go into actual specifics.
I could take those smaller workshops, PowerPoints and actually do them for pre-recorded videos. All of a sudden, my whole month is set and it will set the stage if I’m planning to launch a gut program or stress program or anti-inflammatory or autoimmune program, or Candida program, or a detox. That’s exactly what would make sense as I build this authority and visibility with people knowing this is what I talked about, how do you thrive? Or how do you not get to the place of autoimmune, which was my big why.
So I have the guide, that’s going to be my Call To Action. I want to give this guide, I could also, for many of you who have Facebook groups, This could be the main one that you do in your group, feeding in your social media platforms to build your community on Facebook. And this could be the one just for your group. While I’m going to show you a few other PowerPoints that would make sense if I wanted to do that, for my pre-recorded videos are for Reels.
Right here, we have 30 pages. You could have so much engagement. Do you see how even just this juicing, that’s content, if you bought that, and you even wanted to give this as a guide? That would be your entire post pulling from the information. Then go add probiotics, that could be another day post.
Content is just content. It’s how you use it. So let me just show you. Also, you have 10 social media dimensions. So all of a sudden, that can come in even on month two of my social media. Or I could use this right in the Facebook group.
How To Turn Workshops Into Content
Let me show you one last part. Amazing workshop, we have workshops that are about 150+. Those are great longer workshops, great for a webinar, great for an authority building masterclass where you want somebody to truly get to know your style of teaching. That’s why I like to have those once a month with a big theme. But I love to have ones like this. This is only $97. So we have content like that. Forgot hormone, and kids health there are all these independent PowerPoints just like this.
I want to show you why for one of my pre-recorded videos, this would make complete sense. 101-second intolerance. So these are the different gut individual modules. What’s great about this is you can look at them actually eyes your visibility strategy, making it super easy for pre-recorded videos, making it super easy to do Reels and have ideas and content to pull. And also to have a guide that you can give.
Let’s go to the food allergies one. I have a beautiful PowerPoint, three ways to fix your gut. See how all a sudden that can be a Reel, that can be a video? So I’m going to actually teach the beginning parts, meaning signs of food intolerances, what causes us reactive food.
Week By Week Content Breakdown
I’m going to lay the foundation for week one. I’m going to use the autoimmune one in my facebook group. So I’m going to teach as my main core. That means that I’ve just locked in a plan that will give me confidence and consistency, communication, connection and conversion. Making sense of food reactions, underlying root causes, just a few of the signs should you avoid.
Then week two, I’m going to go into three ways to repair your gut. I’m going to give a freebie. The freebie that I’m going to actually show you for those of you listening to this, I do encourage you if you’re listening to this on my podcast to go to my YouTube channel and you’ll see this video because I do think visually it’s great to actually see the content to have that aha moment to be like holy cannoli.
Yes, I am from Philly. I grew up in Center City, but I lived in an area in Philly, where I was right near the Italian market and canolas were left and right. Thank God I didn’t know until about 21 that I was intolerant to Keison and dairy, because I wouldn’t have been such a happy girl.
Okay, so right here you have your three ways to fix the gut. Even here, if you didn’t want to do it as a freebie, you can copy and paste and those can be captioned within the guide. But right here you have a nine-page guide that you can give. Three ways to repair your gut, nourish your gut microbiome, fix your leaky gut, take digestive enzymes. It even talks about testing. Very high-value information.
For me week one and two, you can bleed it out. On the third week, instead of just focusing on the pre-recorded videos, showcase the freebie, and in the fourth week really make that about live q&a. Meaning you can ask people or ask someone to do a hot seat with you. A hot seat is a free coaching call someone gets in the hot seat and actually do a pre-recorded video of your coaching. Take 20 minutes to do some coaching and let people who are your potential clients hear from somebody else’s words, in their own words, how their gut is being affected.
Somebody might have major, major autoimmune issues major, major gut issues, but they’re like, I don’t know why I keep getting bloated. I don’t know why I have acid reflux. I don’t know why I feel nauseous after I eat. Most of these are problems that a lot of our clients have no matter what niche. But it’s really important, to get clear on the actual problems so that you can start to infuse them into your content strategy and make it really intentional and strategic, and intuitive.
I don’t think there’s anything more for me to say except this: a lot of people get scared. I remember I had that fear myself. I mean, speaking in public, I have social anxiety even though I’m a really social person, but I get anxiety when it’s a large crowds. So I’ve crafted a business where I work from mi casa.
But I had to put those PowerPoints together. That took me like four hours. I mean, probably about two and a half hours were to make it look pretty and probably about two to three hours of putting the content in. The reason that I love these kinds of workshops is you can pitch to some of these podcasts. You can pitch to people who already have a trusting list, a local vendor, even people in the online space. We’re looking for coaches like you, restaurants who are looking for people to do guest posts on their blogs, there are so many different ways to build visibility.
Trust me, if you wanted to do and pitch six powerful strategies for your gut while you’re doing that podcast, you can read from this. If you’re doing a video podcast, you can say to the person Hey, is there any way I can just share this screen? I’m telling you people want value. Here are benefits of a detox: better skin, more energy, better immunity, better moods, improved sleep weight loss, clean up your diet, talks about the different foods to clean up your diet support your liver, talks about ways to reduce environmental toxins get the most out of the fight and flight mode. Again, all leaving visibility to your paid offer low cost, mid cost, high cost.
So I think I’ve made it pretty easy for you to see how simple can be to set up your content strategy. And with that being said, I’m going to peace out from here. And guys. I will see you on the flip side. Have a good one. Ciao guys.