65: How to List Build Without Paid Ads

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Today I am going to be answering a question that I am asked all the time.  How do I build my list without using paid ads? If you don’t know where to start or you have been giving a ton of mommy to paid ads and it isn’t working then this episode is for you.  This episode will be super beneficial to learn about list building in a different way. 

Enjoy the show!

In Today’s Episode:

[01:44] First, make sure your list builder is specific in the problems that your ideal client is struggling with right now.    

[02:46] What is my ideal client struggling with right now at this moment?

[03:04] Make sure you are building on platforms that connect directly with search engine optimization (SEO). 

[04:24] The simplest way to do this is to make sure you have YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram.  You can also have Twitter and you need a Facebook business page all with the same name.  

[04:45] On a search Facebook is really high with Google.  

[05:06] Create micro-videos and stories for your content.  

[07:01] We need to know what our ideal client is intentionally searching for. 

[08:33] After sharing your content in bite-sized pieces then you give a call to action.

[09:24] Utilize your content in many different ways. Ex: video on YouTube, blog post, newsletter, social media posts, etc. 

[10:11] Do your market research first. Test the market with videos and high engaging questions. Look at the answers and create a blog post or video for that content. 

[11:35] You can use your Facebook personal page to start testing the market.    

[12:11] Reach out to ten people, podcasts, places you would love to collaborate with.  

[13:45] Those conversations are the core fundamentals that could help boost your list and visibility. 

[15:17] Start putting yourself out there and letting people get to know you and the value you bring. 

[17:41] Look at the digital marketing strategy.  It goes beyond one platform. 

[18:18] Make sure that you have YouTube and Pinterest.  Examine your own behaviors where you go to search.    

[19:53] Make it easy to work with you.

[21:53] As you’re looking at the next few months analyzing all the different parts. 

[23:01] If your message is super clear then you will see higher conversions on paid ads.  

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