1 cup dairy free milk
1 tsp. local honey
1 tsp. coconut oil
1/2 tsp. ground turmeric powder
dash of ground cinnamon
dash of ground ginger
Option 1. Warm the milk and add in all the goodies but save adding in the honey till you have warmed this divine blend.
2. Drink as a smoothie and include 3 ice cubes & blend in a blender.
Detox Tips
Here are 5 tips to reduce your toxic load:
1. Use herbs that support our detox organs – liver, kidney and colon. E.g. milk thistle and dandelion.
2. Encourage elimination through skin, our largest organ for elimination. E.g. sweating and dry brushing.
3. Buy and eat organic food as much as possible – learn about the “Dirty Dozen” list and try to shop organic for this produce. http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary/
4. Reduce processed and packaged foods, which are loaded with chemicals.
5. Replace household and personal products with a lot of chemicals with those made with natural ingredients. And by all means my friends, we just gotta clean out the cabinets and detox to prevent sickness. It is pretty simple. You can detox with me for only $67 and get 90 days of support here.
Rachel Feldman is a health coach, digestive wellness expert, and detox specialist. Based in Boca Raton, Florida, Rachel assists clients nationwide via phone, email and Skype. Rachel helps men and women struggling with weight gain, digestive issues and toxicity. Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, and International School of Detoxification. She is also certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and has obtained additional Continuing Education Units from Purchase College, State University of New York. She is a certified Reiki Energy Healer. Her approach to health focuses not only on the foods you put into your mouth but also incorporates the elements of body, mind and soul. She helps her clients to access the blueprint for their health by discovering what foods fuel the body and not inflame the body. To find out more about her programs visit www.rachelswellness.com.