Ever wonder what’s wrong with your list and why you are not getting engagement from your subscribers? Let me lay out for you the three big email mistakes you are making and what you can do about it. Imagine this scenario:
Chrissy had started her mailing list and she was excited about her opt-in gift. But she was worried about what she didn’t know so she reached out in one of her business Facebook groups. She asked about the most common email mistakes and how she could avoid making them. Here’s what other members had to say…
Mistake #1: Emails that Are Too Long
Sandra advised her to respect her subscribers’ time. She said, “Don’t write long emails—get to the golden nuggets! If you have a story to tell that’s lengthy, break it up. Tell your subscribers you’ll share more with them next time.”
If you send emails that are short and easy to read, it creates a contract with your subscribers. They expect you to get to the point and share what you know with them. They don’t want long, rambling paragraphs while you try to remember what you wanted to say.
Of course, this can be difficult. Maybe there’s a problem some of your subscribers are facing and you want to tackle it with an in-depth tutorial or lengthy video. Instead of adding these to your email, post them to your blog. Then send a short email with a link back to your site. This sends traffic to your site and keeps your engagement levels high.
Mistake #2: Emails without Offers
Tiana shared her advice to create offers in your emails. She said, “If the purpose of your list is to sell, you can make offers right away. You don’t have to wait. But make the offers relevant and if it makes sense to offer a special deal to a new subscriber then do it.”
Tiana is correct. You do want to have offers in front of your audience from the beginning. But don’t go straight for the jugular on this. Remember, subscribers, want to taste a sample in the beginning. Then later, they may become a “yes” to more expensive products.
You don’t want to push your $10K+ coaching program right away. Instead, share a deeply discounted product to act as a tripwire to new subscribers.
Mistake #3: No Emails at All
Marcie recommends staying in touch with your audience. She said, “The worst thing you can do is to not follow up at all. If you’re not broadcasting and you only have 2-3 emails in your nurture sequence, then subscribers stop hearing from you. They forget who you are and you get shy about sending out messages.”
If you plan for consistency, hooray! If you don’t, then keep adding to your nurture sequence so they’re getting emails from you regularly.
How often subscribers expect messages from you depends on your niche. If you sell a high ticket program, then focus on creating emails that nurture your ideal client from the opt in to the follow up series.
It takes time to learn how to become a good email marketer. If you’re making one of the mistakes on the list above, don’t panic. Just follow the advice to start doing it right. You will get better at emailing your list the more you do it!
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