What would you do to feel completely alive?
I often think of this question.
This summer I asked myself this question a lot.
I forced myself to do the work I ask of my own clients and I forced myself to SLOW DOWN.
I realized, in slowing down, I can actually be more productive, happier, more liberated and find a sense of calm even within a very busy life.
You know, when you KNOW something but then it REALLY clicks.
It REALLY clicked for me this summer.
After birthing two amazing children, my life had gone from Self care 101 with a busy job in commercial real estate to having a busy job with baby 1, then to a busy life with baby 1 & 2.
I had to learn the balance.
I had to realize: What had once worked for me may not work in my current life.
Today, I run a health coaching business and I have a 4 & 6 year old. The ME TIME is less than it was when it was just the hubby and me (with my busy commercial real-estate job) or even just with baby 1.
I needed to update the plan and my schedule – and that meant actually scheduling time for ME.
Updating the Schedule
- I began scheduling ME TIME. I did this on my calendar as if I was an appointment. How often would you miss an appointment with a client or a friend? NEVER, right? I had to relearn to make myself TOP priority in order to be the “best version of myself” every day. (I enjoy feeling that way every second.)
- I forced myself to slow it down. I will admit this is tough for me because I love to be-on-the-go but that can lead to exhaustion and feeling burned out. When I experienced burn-out at one time in my life, my body was completely out of balance. I felt tired and moody and I was experiencing allergic reactions to foods I typically would eat with no problem. Many of my clients have experienced feeling total burnout and in turn are dealing with poor sleep, food intolerances, allergies, poor digestion, weight gain or weight loss or metabolism issues (to name a few). For some people, high levels of cortisol over a long period of time can lead to adrenal fatigue.
Learn more about Adrenal Fatigue here!
- I allowed myself to be in the flow and take vacations during my day. This meant creating blocks of time, even as little as 5 minutes, to get up from my desk and move my body. It has been proven that simple stretching or even taking a short walk can improve circulation, mental clarity and reset your nervous system.
- I also un-plugged. When you have a business, this is not always possible, but I still found a way to make it happen. I found time to leave my phone in the car or to simply turn the ringer off. This allowed me to create boundaries for my life which equals more quality time with myself, my children, my husband and my work.
Stress can affect the body in many ways.
My body changed when I updated the schedule.
- I am more productive and feel more grounded because I made simple changes.
- I am happier.
- I feel a renewed clarity in my life.
- I feel calm within my busy day because I have scheduled ME TIME.
- My digestion, sleep and mood ALL improved when I scheduled the ME TIME.
I also completed a valuable exercise.
I often ask my clients to create vision boards and journal because I truly believe when we get clear on our goals, get clear on our obstacles and get clear on what we want/desire, only THEN can we take massive action.
So I took massive action by creating a vision board. If you would like to create your own vision board read on, my friend.
What is a Vision Board?
A vision board, also referred to as a treasure map, is a simple and fun way for you to capture all the dreams you have for yourself and your life and turn them into a reality.
A vision board is made from pictures cut from magazines, printed images from the internet, and/or photographs from your own life that inspire you to be the absolute best version of yourself. Any image that moves and inspires you toward your goal belongs on your vision board. Gather all of these visuals and display them together. Your vision board will be your personal reminder that YOU create the blueprint for your life, and you do it on a daily basis.
To begin:
- Get clear on your desires
- Get clear on what truly inspires you
To create your vision board:
Get a large piece of poster board, corkboard or simply use wall space. Use pushpins, tape and/or glue to display all of your images together. Now you have one positive expression of your thoughts, goals, inspirations, ideas, and ideals.
Now, you are ready to start manifesting your reality!
Remember: when you STRESS LESS and take care of you, your body thrives. Your mind can relaxe and your body can do all the metabolic processes neccessary for you to feel happy, healthy and truly energized.