4 Juicing Recipes That Will Change Your Life by Rachel Feldman

fresh juices RW

I love juicing. It will change your life.

I first fell in love with juicing when I was living in Philadelphia. I bought my first j, a Champion juicer, 7 years ago. I know the power of juicing. I have not only experienced the benefits in my own life, but I have watched clients, friends, and family thrive from consuming juices.

Juicing is the perfect way to detox, alkalize, revitalize, renew, and rebuild on a daily basis.

rachel RW juicing

Juicing provides your body with the following:

  • Enzymes, minerals, and nutrients in a live and raw form
  • Energy that is rich in cell-regenerating powers
  • A powerful tool to cleanse the body, especially for people with digestive issues, inflamed intestines, or who are very ill
  • The perfect drink for those with leaky gut. I know this from my own experience, because you do not have to digest any fiber
  • The raw materials your body needs to rebuild, function at the optimal, healthy level, and support your organs

Why is juicing so powerful?

  • Juicing improves your skin
  • Juicing improves your sleep
  • Juicing brightens your eyes
  • Juicing improves digestion
  • Juicing gives you a boost of energy
  • Juicing improves your immune system

Now, remember peeps:  I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, but I have been there and done that with my own health issues, and I know what works.

My Favorite 4 Recipes for YOU!

Liver Lovin’

2-3 cucumbers
2 green apples
fresh mint, to taste (optional)
juice of 1 lime (optional)
~ Serves 2

A Healthy Green Mojito

3 kale leaves
½ cup spinach
4 celery stalks
1 cucumber, sliced lengthwise
juice of 1 lemon
juice of 1 lime
½ green apple
3 sprigs of mint
ginger (optional)
stevia, agave, or honey to sweeten  (optional)

Digestion 101 Juice

1 inch ginger
1 cup pineapple, diced
1 green apple, chopped
3 sprigs mint
2 ounces aloe vera juice (optional)

Carrot Ginger

1 green apple
1 handful of spinach
2 large carrots
1 inch ginger
1 lemon (peeled)
~ add 1 cup coconut water after you have juiced all ingredients together
~ Serves 2

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I am Rachel Feldman. I’m a health coach, detox specialist, and a momma, here to kick quick-fix diets and restrictive meal plans to the curb for good. Only personalization and deep self-exploration pave the road to total well-being, and I’m here to guide you on your path. Based in Boca Raton, Florida, I assist clients nationwide via phone, email, and Skype. I help men and women struggling with weight gain, digestive issues, and toxicity. I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. I furthered my education at the Wild Rose College of Natural Healing and  the International School of Detoxification and graduated with a detox and cleansing certification. I help clients to access the blueprint for their health by discovering which foods fuel the body and not inflame the body.  To find out more about my programs visit www.rachelswellness.com.




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