Health Coach- How to Add an Opt In Freebie

Hey Health Coach,

Are you tired of struggling with the tech stuff?
Are you tapped for funds to pay someone to do it for you?
Are you time-crunched trying to work a full-time or part-time gig and build a biz?

I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there. I first started out with an IIN website, and I had no idea what Mailchimp was or what a freebie was either. I didn’t have the funds to pay for a VA and honestly I never even heard of a VA at the time.

All I knew was I needed to build my business, and I had graduated with a degree.

I watched the best of the best and eyed up what they were doing. I studied trends and watched marketing techniques. I learned how to build my business from the ground up.

I needed to learn how other health coaches successfully practiced online.

They ALL had an opt-in freebie. They ALL had a FREE gift to give to people who joined their list.

I realized nobody would sign up if I said, “Get my free recipes weekly.”

What I learned:

1. People sign up to your list for a free offer ( sneak peek into what you offer in your business and how you coach).
2. Once you have their email, you can communicate with them about future offerings, programs, products or strategy sessions once you have their email.
3. You can begin to build trust with the people who have signed up for your free gift by sending out newsletters with great content.

GENIUS if you ask me!! This is one of the reasons all of the Done-For-You Programs have opt-in-freebies, because you have to build your list to have a thriving business.

You cannot build a business if you do not have a list. This is what I call, “Hella important!”

I am going to show you EXACTLY how to set up an opt-in freebie. I am going to clue you in on how many opt-in freebies I have, and how I’ve built my list to over 25k.

I am going to show you in a simple, easy way:

“How to Rock An Opt-in Freebie Setup and Build Your List Now”

April 9th, Thursday 7pm EST.

Click here to register.

I want to see you succeed.

I want to see you list build with ease and feel EMPOWERED.

I want to help you rock the ripple.

Don’t miss out!

If you cannot make it, I am recording this gem.


rachel headshot 2015A little about Me: I’m also a biz coach for health-focused solopreneurs, helping you create more, get your work out there strategically, and start raking in the cash you deserve. I have a successful health coaching practice. I use a proven system in my own thriving practice – these are the tools I teach you. I am a certified health coach + detox specialist. I do not just write the programs, I use them too! Ready to Empower your Business? Heck Yeah!


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