Often, I write about what is working in my own launch, or how to set yourself apart from the next detox or cleanse, or how to sign up 70 peeps for a free teleclass, but come on, peeps, we have all been there and done that, right? Let me tell you instead how I built a business from a home office, with babies running around and an IIN site.
I used a powerful tool: the elimination diet.
We all listened to Dr. Kristi Hughes on the IIN live stream, and some of us were blessed to hear her live, speak about the value of the elimination diet. One of the coaches texted me and said, “OMG, Rachel. She is speaking your language. She is saying we all need to know how to support our clients through this process.”
If you are ready to get supported in a forum with coaches who upload brochures, support each other in their own healthy journey, get my own private business building resources, access to my own Sshutterstock photos, and tips and photos like this:
and more goodies like this {yep, this is what I post every day – different tips and tools each day}!!
There is no one trick or dog and pony show that will make your program soar except you mastering the art of your own message and getting the right support, which is why we have created new and improved launch manuals this season.
We have taken the time to give you 3 tutorials to get you started, a simple disclaimer to protect you when you are selling your program, PLUS, in your manual, we have done the research for you, and you will find key words you cannot say in yellow and red states as a health coach.
Every day, we talk about mastering the art of your story, your niche, and how using the right images are vital for attracting your client.
Join now, because some coaches have already edited, launched, and are hearing the PayPal clicks. Without sounding like a used car saleswoman, this can totally be you.
Let’s have some fun, build a business, and get you the tools you need for success. Hippocrates Health Institute has me teach their students how to build a business from the ground up, because it is not just about TimeTrade, the perfect sales page, the perfect website, Pinterest, social media, a cool-looking freebie, AWeber or MailChimp, landing pages, squeeze pages, teleclasses, webinars, or the perfect launch plan. Nope…. there is more to building your business.
You need the right tools.
You need the right support.
You need the right message.
Let me help you push yourself in ways I have been pushed. Let’s Launch.
We’d love to be a part of your journey.
All images and content on this site are owned by Rachel’s Wellness (c) 2014 – www.rachelswellness.com