I remember sitting in my office many years ago wondering what the heck was I going to do – meaning how I was I going to figure out mail chimp, dropbox, tele-classes, blogging and social media. I made a lot of mistakes and I wish I did not. I did not have the money to hire a business coach and honestly I thought everyone got this rule book but me. We had lost so much money in the stock market crash and spending money on B-Hot School or another business school was not possible – nope I needed to spend the money on my bills and school for my kids.
Today, I have a thriving business and you can TOO!
I want you to THRIVE and not survive.
I did what any person would do – I started trying to figure it out on my own.
I spend a lot of time figuring out mail chimp and that was painful.
I recorded tele classes and did not know how to record.
I tried to created opt in freebies but had no idea what I was doing.
I realized there was so much to building my business as a Health Coach and it had nothing to do with health – it was about marketing.
If this is ringing a bell or maybe you are nodding your head, then please sign up for the Learn to Launch in 7 Days.
I created this crash course for so many reasons.
- I want Coaches to not make the same mistakes I made.
- I want Coaches to have a simple plan of action.
- I want Coaches to build business.
- I want Coaches to have a plan of action.
- I want Coaches to have simple strategies to apply on a daily basis.
- I want YOU to have the tools I know I needed in my business.
Sign up here.
If you need more support, then contact me about 1:1 coaching. When I hired a business coach, my life changed and all that fear and anxiety slipped away because I had a partner in crime.
Rachel Feldman is a health coach, wellness momma, and a detox specialist. Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, and the International School of Detoxification. She is also certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and has obtained additional Continuing Education Units from Purchase College, State University of New York. Her approach to health focuses not only on the foods you put into your mouth but also incorporates the elements of body, mind and soul. She is also a biz coach for health-focused solopreneurs, helping you create more, get your work out there strategically, and star raking in the cash you deserve. She has a successful health coaching practice. She uses a proven system in her own thriving practice – these are the tools she sells to health coaches. She does not just write the programs, she use them too! Ready to Empower your Business? Heck Yeah!
To find out more about her programs visit www.rachelswellness.com.
If you are a health coach, visit www.detox.rachelswellness.com