Fruit Infused Coconut Water

Coconut Water Infused.

There is nothing better than your own daughter helping me, the momma to look younger.

Yep, she helped me crack open this coconut.

Coconut Water hydrates the cells, the skin, the bowels and is anti-viral and anti-bacterial – which means less colds and sicknesses. If you cannot fight off that nasty cold or maybe your skin is dry and you feel like you look 20 years older than you are, then try this drink:

Lemon Coconut Beauty Water
1/2 – 1 cup ice cubes
1 8oz fresh coconut water (I prefer Raw Coconut Water, Fresh Cracked Coconuts like the one you see below or ZICO Coconut Water)
a few slices of Lemon
1/4 cup berries of choice

Let this drink infuse for 2 hours in the refrigerator and then consume.

sammy coconut water

If you want a few other recipes to make your beauty coconut water, then try out my other favorites. They are so easy to make and kids love them too.

Lime Beauty Coconut Water
1/2 – 1 cup ice cubes
1 8oz fresh coconut water
a few slices of Lime

Berry Beauty Lemonade Coconut Water
1/2 – 1 cup ice cubes
1/4 – 1/2 cup berries of choice
1 8oz fresh coconut water
a few slices of Lemon

You can make any combination coconut water beauty water and have a ton of fun doing it.

mineral water

Are you ready to feel younger? Ditch the belly Bloat and Fatigue? I know these drinks helped me and I know they will help you too.

rachel new 2015

If you want to feel younger- Download my Free e-Book on how I stay fit and fabulous at almost 40. => Click Here

Rachel Feldman is a health coach, wellness momma, and a detox specialist. Based in Boca Raton, Florida, Rachel assists clients nationwide via phone, email and Skype. Rachel helps men and women struggling with weight gain, digestive issues and toxicity. Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, and the International School of Detoxification. She is also certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and has obtained additional Continuing Education Units from Purchase College, State University of New York. Her approach to health focuses not only on the foods you put into your mouth but also incorporates the elements of body, mind and soul. She helps her clients to access the blueprint for their health by discovering what foods fuel the body and not inflame the body



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