Spring Liver Weight Loss Smoothie

If you have pain in that upper right rib or your are waking up at 3 AM or you feel constipated, then this Liver LOVIN’ smoothie is for you. This smoothie hydrates the colon, supports the liver and drains the lymphatic system (which you need if you have that middle section that will not go away).

Free smoothie-RW

To make the Love your Liver Weight Loss Smoothie:
1 apple
1 orange
1 cup coconut water
1/4 cup almond milk, unsweetened
1/2 avocado, healthy fats
1 scoop plant protein, I love hemp
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of spirulina
1 inch fresh ginger

Join me for a free 48 hour cleanse here (you get a FREE e-guide on weight loss + oil pulling) http://detox.rachelswellness.com/oil-pulling-weight-loss-challenge/

Rachel  picture 2015Rachel Feldman is a health coach, wellness momma, and a detox specialist. Based in Boca Raton, Florida, Rachel assists clients nationwide via phone, email and Skype. Rachel helps men and women struggling with weight gain, digestive issues and toxicity. Rachel graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training. Rachel has also certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Her approach to health focuses not only on the foods you put into your mouth but also incorporates the elements of body, mind and soul. She helps her clients to access the blueprint for their health by discovering what foods fuel the body and not inflame the body.

Her signature detox and cleanse programs help people to eliminate foods that are wreaking havoc on their body. To find out more about her upcoming Spring Detox and Weight Loss Program, sign up for her newsletter at www.rachelswellness.com.


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