Rachel Feldman | Business Coach

Webinar Magic for Health Coaches | 3 Powerful Benefits Every Webinar Offers

Rachel Feldman | Business Coach

3 Powerful Benefits every webinar offers

Been on a webinar lately? I bet you have.  

The fact is, webinars are one of today’s hottest marketing trends. Each and every week, you’ll find health coaches hosting webinars about weight loss, auto-immune, and even go vegan. No matter what your niche, webinars are a great option for growing your market. To this day, I use webinars to launch my programs and this is how I built my biz when I started.

So, why are webinars to powerful?…

List Building

Perhaps the number one reason to host a webinar—especially if you partner with another business owner in a complementary niche—is to grow your list. Here’s why it works so well.  

As a coach with resources and information to share, you’re in demand, and there are plenty of others out there looking to partner with you. Find a colleague in a related niche to host your event. Ask her to mail her list with an offer to join you both on the call. Collect emails in your mailing list system. Any sales you make from the event will pay your partner an affiliate commission. That way you both win: You build your mailing list, and she earns cash for her time.  

Show Off Your Expertise 

You’ve no doubt heard plenty of people talking about the “know, like and trust factor.” It’s a simple reminder that very few people will buy from you the first time they encounter your website or get an email from you. They need more info.  

A webinar is a fantastic way to build up their trust. Why? Because they can hear your voice, and maybe even see your face, there’s an instant connection. Again…you’re building the “know, like and trust factor.” Not only that, but you get to impress them with your knowledge of the topic. Your audience will walk away not only knowing you better but also with the impression that you are the go-to person in your niche.  

Sell to a Captive Audience 

Here’s a fact you may not have considered: Webinar attendees are primed to buy. Make them an irresistible offer, and you’ll be amazed at how effective “selling from the stage” can be.  

What’s irresistible? Try these proven tactics: 

  • Fast acting bonuses just for those who buy while on the call or shortly after it ends.  
  • Deep discounts available only for a limited time—typically if they buy before midnight of the day of the event.  

Both plans have worked for thousands of webinar presenters and will work for you, too.  

Watch this for more on why I stress the importance of webinars…

Whether you’ve never hosted a webinar before, or you’re already an old hand, there’s little doubt that this is a tool that really performs. The amount of time you spend preparing and promoting is minor compared to the potential returns, so get out there and start planning your next webinar event! 

If you need help, Book a time with me on my calendar HERE Let’s get you a plan so you can get more clients and ROCK webinars like a PRO.




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