How to Get More Clients with Free Content For Health Coaches

 Remember that content is a part of the internet marketing. Content marketing is one of the types of marketing. It is a strategic approach that involves the creating and sharing of relevant and valuable materials or contents like blogs, media posts, photos, and videos. This isn’t promoting some brand, but it is intended to have the interest of the audiences in services or products.

Having a free content is an advantage that it can attract more clients. It helps the businesses plan and prepares for cost-effective and reliable sources.

Here some process on how to build a free content in your business:

  1. Creating a unique and high-value free content and distribute or share it with the public to read your content and gain ideas about business.
  2. Offering the services at different social media and all around the web. This will have a great way to showcase your free content
  3. Inviting some people to your free trial. Having freebies when your business is going to launch or something that is new is important. By this, the people will try and test your free content so that they will have an idea on it and maybe they will get interested in your free content ones they tested it.

You can repeat all of this process to help you build your successful business with a free content.

So if you are wondering how do the people find your free content? The answer is you will just promote it everywhere and anytime.

  1. You can post it all around the web or mostly on the social media because many people on this generation have their own social media accounts and they might just see your post about your free content.
  2. Provide the contact details like email so that people can reach you if they have a question about it. Providing the active email address in promoting your free content is important even this may grow the lists of your email.
  3. Investing in the Facebook advertisements can encourage more people, and it’s great news for you. It can help to grow your audiences more by having an advertisement on Facebook.

Deciding the best ideas for your free content can also be offered in different kind of forms. Some of the useful and popular options are:

  1. Videos – this can encourage more of your audiences and sign up in you free content trial
  2. Blog posts – this includes the blog posts that build your email list
  3. Live streams – adding a call to action to sign up for your free trial
  4. Podcast – adding a call to action to sign up for your free trial at every episode at the end
  5. Webinars – this can only be about the value and not about on selling something


The best idea about your free content is to showcase your personality and knowledge, get some exposure, and lead your audiences to try and sign up for your free trial offers. Free content’s purpose is to educate and inform other people. Leading them more about what and how you do.

If you are ready to learn about a sales funnel, even if you are a new coach, join me LIVE for this epic webinar on August 17th, 2017 to learn about how to get more clients using my 5-star system

Enroll here


Rachel Feldman


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