As you know I dealt with digestive issues for years. I finally had “leaky gut” get so bad that it turned into an ulcer and then ulcerative colitis. I did take Prilosec when I was little, the age of 17, but found it just was a band-aid. Do not get me wrong – band aids are key for reducing symptoms but as I got older and learned more about my body and I realized it was vital for me to learn how to naturally support my body.
Too often prescription drugs can add extra stress to the liver and kidneys as they try and filter the medicine out of your body. This was the case for me. I started to research and research about foods to decrease inflammation and support digestion. I realized I was eating foods that were “healthy but not healthy” for me.
I did a safe and gentle detox and followed the elimination diet. I learned I was intolerant to so many healthy foods like quinoa, almonds, beans to name a few and gave them up. I realized I needed to work on my digestion at a deeper level to reduce the inflammation from years of eating foods that were wreaking havoc on my system.
I added probiotics, cultured foods, probiotic rich drinks, started to juice and consume smoothies. I ate more foods that were easy to digest and cooked with coconut oil, which naturally fights pathogens and bacteria in the body that lead to digestive distress.
I am a holistic health coach and detox specialist who believes in approaching health in the most natural way. However, this does not mean I am saying not to go to the doctor when needed but what if you can practice prevention in your home and lessen those doctor trips? What if you can learn how to naturally address your woes?
This is the essential oil blend I use and I only use essential oils. One of my favorites in my home and in my own life is Peppermint Essential Oil.
I add this blend to smoothies, juices and put. I use this oil with my children as well and put a drop on my belly after eating. There are so many ways you can use this blend, but beware, as you may reduce the woes and that is a good thing!
To buy now or join my amazing health warrior essential oil team, please contact me at