Last night I ate a food that gave me a histamine reaction. This is not uncommon for a person who has dealt with digestive issues her whole life. The cool […]
Almond Milk Made Easy (Recipe Included)
ALMOND MILK RECIPE MADE EASY How often do you look at the ingredients on the back of the almond milk (store-bought) and feel blown away but the EXTRA junk you […]
Chia Seed Pudding with Blueberries and Mango
Digestion Issues Be Gone Breakfast I struggled with breakfast my whole life. I was never a hungry person but we need fuel in the morning – especially amino acids for […]
Maca Protein Balls
Are you eating clean and you still feel exhausted? Learn what foods give you rocket-fuel energy and learn how to get in tune with the foods that do not work. […]
Digestive Distress Smoothie : Smoothie with Aloe Vera
I have always had digestive issues. You may see the word detox and cleansing a lot on my site because this is how I went from ulcerative colitis to present […]
Fall Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe
PUMPKIN POWER SMOOTHIE RECIPE I love simple meals in the morning. I am a mom, business owner and always looking for meals that are easy to make and full […]
Coconut Water Kefir Recipe
The benefits of adding good bacteria to your body daily are outrageous. The body needs good bacteria to fight off the common cold, lose weight, detox properly, create healthy serotonin […]
Super Seeds : Chia or Flax?
What’s The Skinny On The Super Seeds? Chia Seeds vs. Flax Seeds Everyone is talking about chia seeds and flax seeds. These have become the Super Seeds of all […]
Turmeric Milkshake & Detox Tips
Turmeric Milkshake Recipe 1 cup dairy free milk 1 tsp. local honey 1 tsp. coconut oil 1/2 tsp. ground turmeric powder dash of ground cinnamon dash of ground ginger Option […]
The Dirty Dozen & Food Allergies
I have dealt with every digestive disorder known to man. I will never forget going in an out of doctors offices, when I was really sick (dealing with hormonal, heavy […]