It is a cold and rainy day here in Florida. I had one of those stressful weeks last week and needed a day of juicing, bone broth, soups, andthis baby […]
The best adrenal fatigue smoothie by Rachel Feldman
How often do our clients suffer from adrenal fatigue? How often do we as health coaches suffer from adrenal fatigue? ???? I was diagnosed with adrenal issues over 20 years […]
What Every Sales Page Needs When You Are a Health Coach
Wondering what you need to get sales and get clients? It all starts with a killer sales page. Here are my top tips for what you need on your sales […]
Frankincense and Anti-aging | Rachel Feldman, Health Coach and Business Coach
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rachel Feldman. I am a #bossmom. I am a #bossbabe. I have a kick-ass business, where I create done for you programs […]
Guest Blog Post: How to Make The Most Out Of Your Detox
So, you decided to embark on a detox program. Perhaps, you are doing a master cleanse, a juice fasting program, or even going for a fashionable soup cleanse. Whichever detox […]
How to Get More Clients with Free Content For Health Coaches
Remember that content is a part of the internet marketing. Content marketing is one of the types of marketing. It is a strategic approach that involves the creating and sharing […]
Post Memorial Day Simple Detox by Rachel Feldman
???? DO THIS AFTER MEMORIAL DAY. ???? There are two types of people. 1. The person who says NO to the BBQ and sweets, beer and treats on Memoria Day […]
Meet Health Coach Success Here wth Megan Rand. Fill Your Online Detox Program doing this.
Hey, Health Coach. Wanna fill your summer detox program? ✔️Struggling to get 5 people into your online and offline program? ✔️Struggling to get a system in place to take your […]
Rockstar Green Smoothie Bowl by Rachel Feldman
Smoothies Bowls Rock My World. I get it. You are wicked busy like I am. I love my smoothies but there are days where I am wanting something different like […]
How to Use Facebook Live, YouTube & Periscope to Prep for TV Interviews
Over the last 10 years of specializing in health & wellness PR, entrepreneurs often ask me the same thing: “Can you get me on a national daytime television show?” and […]