It is a cold and rainy day here in Florida. I had one of those stressful weeks last week and needed a day of juicing, bone broth, soups, andthis baby […]
The best adrenal fatigue smoothie by Rachel Feldman
How often do our clients suffer from adrenal fatigue? How often do we as health coaches suffer from adrenal fatigue? ???? I was diagnosed with adrenal issues over 20 years […]
Guest Blog Post: How to Make The Most Out Of Your Detox
So, you decided to embark on a detox program. Perhaps, you are doing a master cleanse, a juice fasting program, or even going for a fashionable soup cleanse. Whichever detox […]
Health Coach Business Tips
Health Coach Business Tips for Driven Coaches You are not living in a world where your client or potential client cannot google a topic and find X answer. DO not […]
How to LiveStream on Youtube and Share it on Facebook
I cannot tell you how upset I was about Youtube not letting me just shoot videos straight from the computer until I figured out what to do. The new feature […]
Launch PRO KIT for business owners
I remember my first launch. I had no idea I needed a plan. I remember hiring a virtual assistant team when I could finally afford it and they asked me […]
Is your Probiotic right for you?
I was getting acupuncture the other day and I started to talk about my digestion because something was off…. This was me last week. “OMG, I am bloated.” “OMG, I […]
5 systems every business owner must have in place
I remember starting my business and guess what? I knew NADA – nothing. I did not even know about dropbox or mail chimp (learning that even took me 15 hours […]
Spring Liver Weight Loss Smoothie
If you have pain in that upper right rib or your are waking up at 3 AM or you feel constipated, then this Liver LOVIN’ smoothie is for you. This […]
Chia Seed Pudding with Blueberries and Mango
Digestion Issues Be Gone Breakfast I struggled with breakfast my whole life. I was never a hungry person but we need fuel in the morning – especially amino acids for […]